Sunday, December 14, 2008

Easton Evaluation: Lucky

Fashion has exploded. Seemingly every week, there are new labels and styles, new mindsets and trends. With all this competition, designers must constantly seek originality. They cannot wait for their following… They must make themselves stand out… They must make the customer want to buy them, wear them…

Lucky hasn’t learned this lesson… Their collection is neither innovative or insipid, neither decadent or disastrous… Their ensemble straddles the fence in an uninspired manner, the kind you would see at Sears… Their print patterns are overdone, their jeans are pedestrian… Lucky is a name that could have progressed this holiday season, given Aeropostale and Gap’s futility… Instead, they joined the ranks of the unimpressive…

Their sales associates were equally miserable… It seems as though a rabid infection is making it’s way throughout the majority of Easton’s clothing stores… An infuriating plague of people who took jobs as sales associates and then forgot they were sales associates.

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