Monday, April 13, 2009

Heifers Quash Beta Pong, Lodge Bar

Bunnies and energy… No venue can stage a spectacular without both… Theoretically, you can have energy without bunnies or bunnies without energy… But, who attends a venue to sit around and stare at those who are gorgeous? And who remains inside a venue where the talent resembles what you saw at the last meat market auction?

Upon my arrival for Beta Pong’s second tournament, Lodge Bar’s crowd was scattered… Apparently, this city values Easter (who knew)… The bars were occupied… The majority of the tables were occupied… But, the dance floor and railings, the hallmark of Lodge Bar’s iconic evenings were vacant…. And worse…

Meat market auction candidates were everywhere… Seriously, I contemplated ensnaring one or two heifers to sell for alcohol money… The lone bunny amongst this crowd of beef was Jessica, Lodge Bar’s newest employee and possibly Alicia Silverstone’s separated at birth twin… With sculpted features and stunning blonde hair, Jessica mercifully offset the hideous harangue of heifers who spent most of the evening attempting what they should never attempt… dancing…

After thirty minutes of agony (yes, watching heifers try to dance is that painful), I crossed into the red room to observe and report Beta Pong’s second tournament, which, thanks to the holiday evacuation, included only sixteen tandems… While the tournament lacked competitors, the energy was once again stellar… Fist pumping… Trash talking… And potentially, the most competitive person I have ever seen, who wore an I-pod while staring a hole through virtually every shot…

The soundtrack was non-existent compared to last week (Britney Spears doesn’t exactly work for beer pong) and the crowd of observers mirrored my previous comments (including one heifer with a snake piercing… yuck)… Still, the final, in which Vegas defeated Solar, was worth watching… And overall, the conversation and the visual itself almost made the evening…

As I crossed back through the walkway and toward the door, the Brian Collins Band sounded superb… Unfortunately, the aesthetic nightmare, on a weekend where we celebrate bunnies, was enough to make the evening unsalvageable…

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