Tuesday, April 14, 2009

INVITE: Pink Slip Reunion

Commencement: 6:00

Conclusion: 10:00

Venue: Confluence Park (679 West Spring Street)

Cost: $20

Reservations: Lahr-Griffeth Events

This unique party formula brings the unemployed as a whole together to cushion the blow of getting let go. Although the mood is informal and upbeat, the aim is not merely to have a good time. Pink-slip parties are intended to help displaced professionals find new gigs. People who have received or who expect to receive a pink slip meet with potential recruiters and in-house human resource professionals at companies that are still hiring and are there specifically, seeking candidates. The parties help foster a more mature approach to hiring and getting hired. Job hunting has become “the new job”.

What if I am employed?
If you’re happy in your current position and think you have no need to attend a pink-slip party, you may want to consider taking a “peek” at what’s out there in terms of employment or just to network with others in your field of expertise. You should have a contingency plan even if there are no warning signs. Always have your resume up to date, get your references in place, and always network, network, network, even though there may not seem to be a need for it.

My Health Quoter

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