Sunday, May 17, 2009

You Have Questions... I Have Answers

Since Gossip Cbus began, I’ve been swamped with e-mail (thanks for the love)… While I’ve tried to give individual responses to several, I also know that some of the questions are questions others may have and thus, answering them publicly would be better… Therefore, from time to time, I will answer questions where everyone can see them…

Q: The Gossip Awards were announced March 8. When will you finally start posting information?
A: I apologize for the wait… Voter’s information will be posted next Sunday…

Q: You’ve never discussed the wretched economy and it’s impact on nightlife… Why is this?
A: While no one can deny that unemployment has increased… I haven’t observed venue’s suffering as a result… One would expect consistently empty venues based on the news… However, the opposite is accurate… Venues have been consistently crushed…

Q: My friend and I very much enjoyed the first edition of Twitter Live Only. How often will you repeat Twitter Live Only?
A: While our schedule (like anyone’s schedule) remains subject to change… Our next Twitter Live Only is scheduled for May 29…

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