Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quick Read

Bob Baptist’s feature on Michigan-Ohio State haircut cohabitation (read the article) was both amusing and intriguing… The rivalry and how the two schools, their fans, and their alumni hate each other has been done to death… This was an interesting window into the brotherhood of the rivalry, which is never discussed… Tim May’s column on Ohio State’s quarterback hunting, should also never be discussed… (Why do we need someone else besides Terrelle Pryor?)

Robin Chenowith’s story on the Norman Rockwell exhibit had all the charm of a puppy and all the usefulness of the puppy growing up… The concept was excellent… The story was sleep inducing (kids don’t know what a record player is… Tell me something I don’t know)… The Business section featured solid reporting on a variety of subjects…

What about the front page? Until the Dispatch concludes their gushing over Batelle, I’m not commenting on the front page…

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