Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quick Read

Call Wednesday the “so what” edition of the Dispatch… The paper’s articles, none of which were memorable, only to served to restate the obvious, and by the end of every one, my question was the same… So what? (Pink would be proud of this edition)…

Elizabeth Miller’s “Signs of Bygone Times” was well written, but the story lacked the nostalgic warmth I would expect with that kind of retrospective… Sherri Williams’ “Another Sign of the Recession: Charities Feel the Pinch of Holidays” was dreadful and so what? That story has bone done by every cable news and local news outlet at least twice in the last month (Miller’s and Williams’ stories were both Metro front)…

Kevin Joy’s story on mass text messages (Life & Arts) was insipid… People send out mass messages via their electronic devices and they aren’t personalized… so what? This is 2009… Also, the Emma Watson spread on the front page of the section should have been buried inside (so what… she is older, actresses do age)…

Bob Hunter and Tim May logged lethargic columns for the third straight day… Hunter’s (sports front) eulogy for Todd Boeckman (so what, he’s an also ran quarterback) was laughable and May’s story on how Ohio State was burnt by the blitz made me scream so what… Why write it two days after the game?

The pathetic edition’s worst story was Ken Gordon’s “Terelle Pryor doesn’t believe in moral victories” effort… That premise lasted about four paragraphs until Gordon himself apparently realized the concept was bull and then the column debilitated into a string of mindless quotes and even more mindless half thoughts…

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