Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Quick Read

If Ohio State’s Fiesta Bowl effort was inspired, the Dispatch’s Fiesta Bowl essays were insipid… I understand the defeat was excruciating… But, seriously, did the fact their hearts were broken, somehow steal their ability to write…

Ken Gordon described last night’s drama as well as I could explain the life experiences of a three hundred pound female walrus… I couldn’t tell if I was reading the recap of an amazing game or a college term paper that Gordon was in a rush to type… Tim May’s columns on Todd Boeckman and Dan Herron were also regrettable… In fact, the pair’s only highlight was Pryor praising Boeckman as “an NFL Quarterback (whatever Pryor was drinking last night, they weren’t serving it at McFadden’s)…

Bob Hunter and Michael Oller’s columns were also disappointing… They weren’t as blandly irritating as Gordon’s recap… Bu, they lacked passionate reflection… The type of reflection you would expect when a contest plays out and concludes as the Fiesta Bowl did…

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