Monday, February 9, 2009

More Than Our Name…

Since Gossip Cbus began, I’ve been swamped with e-mail…. Normally, I respond to your questions once a week…. However, I received this question (occasionally as a comment) and I feel the need to respond to it individually… The question or comment centers around our existence as a simple city gossip column…

I know gossip is a part of who we are… It’s in our name… With that said, anyone who has spent any time at all on this website, anyone who has read one story, anyone who has bothered to look beyond our name, will realize we are much more than gossip. We aren’t and we wont be covering who is sleeping with who, who is using drugs, or who is being scene in this city, unless it is relevant to a story which we are covering…

I know we do a cover a lot of events and we post a lot of promos… I am proud of our nightlife coverage… I am equally proud of our breaking news coverage, our feature reporting, and our interviews… When this website began, it did so with one ambition, provide a unique service to this city and provide something for everyone in this city… I feel thus far we have done that and we will continue to do that…

And to those who dismiss us as a mere gossip column, I invite you to read the site and read it again… If you do, you will realize our attraction…

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