Sunday, May 3, 2009

You Have Questions... I Have Answers

Since Gossip Cbus began, I’ve been swamped with e-mail (thanks for the love)… While I’ve tried to give individual responses to several, I also know that some of the questions are questions others may have and thus, answering them publicly would be better… Therefore, from time to time, I will answer questions where everyone can see them…

Q: Will Gossip CBUS cover Cinco de Mayo?
A: We will have Cinco de Mayo coverage on both this website and twitter. As for venues, that is in the decision process…

Q: I’m not on twitter, but I know you twitter events live… Will you ever cut and paste your twitter feed onto the website?
A: First, the advice I will give is join twitter and follow us. Second, as an answer to your question, we will never specifically cut and paste our twitter into a post. However, we will be enhancing our twitter coverage and that announcement will occur Monday.

Q: Besides the Gossip Awards, does Gossip CBUS have plans for any other events?
A: We are speaking with several venues. However, I would label any potential events as in the concept phase.

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