Thursday, February 5, 2009

Will City Center Eviction Elevate Downtown?

NBC 4: For years, condos in downtown Columbus have sat vacant, many not wanting to move into the city without the comforts of the suburbs. The City Center plans may the first step in making downtown Columbus an attractive and permanent home address, but what else will it take to make the city more livable?

According to a recent study by Boulevard Strategies, 5,000 residents live in downtown Columbus. But more people work downtown than live in the area, even though there is a desire to... Lifestyle Communities is building condos at Front and Rich Streets, priced less than $200,000, with rentals between $700 and $1,000, and not far from the Waterford and Miranova, which have provided downtown living for years.

Viewers said they like all the new option popping up downtown, but they want to make sure grocery stores are available like the Giant Eagle in Victorian Village, the Kroger in the Brewery District or the North Market. Residents also want to make sure they’re safe. Police said that less than one percent of the aggravated assaults in the city happened in downtown last fall, adding that it helps that police headquarters is located there.

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