Monday, March 9, 2009

Quick Read

Unfortunately, the Dispatch did not use our week away to improve themselves… Jeb Phillips lead story on the Hummer and how it’s lost popularity… Are you serious? Off a great weekend for the city and that’s what they came up with? The Hummer, an expensive gas guzzler, is struggling in bleak economic times… I am shocked…

I am not shocked that sports, as seemingly always, was terrible as well… If any of their columnists want me to take them seriously, then they need stop (and I repeat STOP) typing columns that every other sports writer in America types once a year… Today’s contestant Tom Reed discusses the NHL and how fighting is bad for the sport… Tom, 1992 phoned and they’d like their argument back… Rob Oller’s pedestrian column on the Buckeyes basketball team lacking a personality was also terrible…

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